2017 Dancing Syllabus Now Online

2017 Dancing Syllabus Now Online

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Nassau County Board Ancient Order of Hibernians 45th Annual Feis & Festival

Sunday, September 17th, 2017 Nickerson Beach 880 Lido Blvd Lido Beach, NY 11561 9AM – 6PM

Competitions Solo Irish Dancing – Amateur and Championship Bagpiping – Band & Solo Bagpiping and Drumming Irish Music Traditional Singing Irish Art Irish Soda Bread Attractions Massed Pipe Bands Irish Entertainment Irish Vendors Mass celebrated at 11:00 AM

Member of the North American Feis Commission Lori Seeman, President Sanctioned by AN CIOMISIUN, DUBLIN IRELAND

Dancing Adjudicators (subject to change, see feis website for updates) Kerry Broderick – NY Sean Flynn – NY Breda O’Brien – MA Rosemarie Schade Cromie – NY Michael Kenny – MA Rose Kenny – MA John O’Keefe – MA Helaine Sander – NY Linda Sanfillipo – NY 2017 N.A.F.C. Championships Held jointly January 14th, 2017 Sheraton Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana

Minor George Sweetnam Perpetual Trophy Maggie Webber, Mulvihill -Lynch School

Junior Robert Gabor Perpetual Trophy Simone Loysen, Broesler School

Senior Gerry Campbell Perpetual Belt Owen Luebbers, Broesler School

NAFC Under 15 Music Scholarship Irish American Assn NW Jersey Feis September 10th 2017 NAFC 15 & Over Music Scholarship Detroit Internationall Feis – June 3ed 2017 Marilena Mohan
Feis Website: www.nassauaohfeis.com

The Nassau AOH Feis is registered, sanctioned and will be governed by the rules of: An Coimisiun (www.clrg.ie), the North American Feis Commission (www.northamericanfeiscommission.org), and IDTANA Mid-Atlantic Region(www.mid-atlanticregion.com ). Please refer to the applicable websites for rules governing the Feis.

Effective 1/1/2017(IDNTA): All regions in North America will follow this common set of speeds for all grade competitions at feiseanna in North America Beginner Adv Beginner Novice PW Reel 122 122 113 113 Light Jig 115 115 115 115 Slip Jig 122 122 113 113 Treble Jig 92 73/92 73/92 Hornpipe 138 113/138 113/138

TRADITIONAL SET SPEEDS St. Patrick’s Day…………………………………………………..94 Blackbird …………………………………………………………..144 Job of Journeywork …………………………………………… 138 3 Sea Captains……………………………………………………..96 Garden of Daisies………………………………………………..138 Jockey to the Fair …………………………………………………90 King of the Fairies……………………………………………….130

The Feis Committee, Nassau County AOH, Nickerson Beach or any other organizations affiliated with same will not be held responsible for personal injury, property loss or damage.

Destruction of Feis, School or rental property will be punishable by law.

Dancing will begin promptly at 9AM

Dancing entry inquiries may be directed to: Dancing@Nassauaohfeis.com

ENTRY FEES: Solos: $8.00 per dance, Preliminary Championship: $30.00; Open Championships: $32.00. Family maximum of $80.00.

If you choose to compete as an adult, you may not compete in any ‘& over’ categories


❖ Entries will be accepted on www.efeis.com through September 12th, 2017

❖ Entries created OR paid after September 9th, 2017 will be charged a late fee of $10.

❖ “MAIL PAYMENT” Option entries must remit payment postmarked no later than September 12th, 2017

❖ All entries as of September 12th, 2017 must use the “PAY ONLINE” method of payment.

Entries via postal mail

Competitors must answer all questions as required by the Feis Entry committee, and enclose the entry fee when mailing. Failure to do so will result in a rejected entry. Entrants must list all information on a 3×5” index card. Include the following:

❖ Competitor’s name, Parent or Guardian name, address, phone number, competitor’s date of birth and age as of 1/1/2017, school name, teacher’s name, competition number(s) and, optionally, email address. ❖ Preliminary Championships must include choice of dance: reel/jig, reel/hornpipe, slip jig/jig or slip jig/hornpipe. ❖ Open Championships must include choice of hard shoe dance, soft shoe dance and set dance & tempo. Under 9 Girls and Boys Open Championships must include choice of hard shoe dance, soft shoe dance and traditional set of their choosing.

❖ Entries will be limited to the first 800 valid entries. ❖ Competitor Number cards will not be mailed. They will be available the morning of the Feis beginning at 8:15AM. ❖ Entries postmarked after September 9th, 2017 must include a late fee of $10.00. ❖ Entries postmarked after September 12th, 2017 will not be accepted.

❖ Make checks payable to: A.O.H. Feis Committee Corp. Entry forms should be mailed to: Nassau County A.O.H. Feis Committee Corp P. O. Box 185 Island Park NY 11558

Note: An eFeis account will be set up for mailed in entries

Competitor names for entries received after the print deadline (on or about Sept 4th) will not appear in the Feis Journal.

If the Feis is cancelled for any reason, entry fees will be credited to the following year unless a written request for refund is submitted within 30 days of Feis date. Late fees are not refundable, nor will they be credited.
Feis Website: www.nassauaohfeis.com


BEGINNER: A competitor who has not taken a full year of Irish Dance lessons, thereby giving beginners a full year with such status. A Beginner must move into Advanced Beginner the following year. No solo dress costumes permitted; dancer must compete in a school costume or skirt & blouse. Reel tempo: 118; Slip Jig tempo: 118

BOYS/GIRLS REEL LIGHT JIG SLIP JIG Under 5 1 2 3 Under 6 4 5 6 Under 7 7 8 9 Under 8 10 11 12 Under 9 13 14 15 Under 10 16 17 18 Under 11 19 20 21 Under 12 22 23 24 Under 13 25 26 27 Under 14 28 29 30 Under 15 31 32 33 15 & Over 34 35 36

ADVANCED BEGINNER: Dancers who place 1st, 2nd or 3rd place in Advanced Beginner will advance to the Novice category in that particular dance on January 1st of the following year. No solo dress costumes permitted; dancer must compete is a school costume or skirt & blouse. Treble Jig tempo: 92; Hornpipe tempo: 138 Reel tempo: 118; Slip Jig tempo: 118

BOYS/GIRLS REEL LIGHT JIG SLIP JIG TREBLE JIG HORNPIPE Under 6 101 102 103 104 105 Under 7 106 107 108 109 110 Under 8 111 112 113 114 115 Under 9 116 117 118 119 120 Under 10 121 122 123 124 125 Under 11 126 127 128 129 130 Under 12 131 132 133 134 135 Under 13 136 137 138 139 140 Under 14 141 142 143 144 145 Under 15 146 147 148 149 150 15 & Over 151 152 153 154 155

NOVICE: Open to dancers who have placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in Advanced Beginner grade. A Novice who wins 1st place will advance to the Open (Prizewinner) grade in that particular dance the next year. Treble Jig tempo: 92 or 73; Hornpipe tempo: 138 or 113

HORNPIPE Under 7 201 202 203 204 205 Under 8 206 207 208 209 210 Under 9 211 212 213 214 215 Under 10 216 217 218 219 220 Under 11 221 222 223 224 225 Under 12 226 227 228 229 230 Under 13 231 232 233 234 235 Under 14 236 237 238 239 240 Under 15 241 242 243 244 245 15 & Over 246 247 248 249 250

OPEN (PRIZEWINNER): A competitor who does not qualify as a Beginner, Advanced Beginner or as a Novice. Treble Jig temp.o: 73 or 92; Hornpipe tempo: 138 or 113

HORNPIPE Under 8 301 302 303 304 Under 9 305 306 307 308 Under 10 309 310 311 312 Under 11 313 314 315 316 Under 12 317 318 319 320 Under 13 321 322 323 324 Under 14 325 326 327 328 Under 15 329 330 331 332 15 & Over 333 334 335 336


**New Mid-Atlantic Regional Rule**- A dancer who wins three First Place awards in Preliminary in one calendar year will move on to Open Championship the following year, or as soon as the third win is achieved, in any age category, in the following year.

A dancer is required to perform a light shoe dance (reel or slip jig) and a hard shoe dance (jig or hornpipe). Dance choices are: (A) Reel and Jig (B) Reel and Hornpipe (C) Slip Jig and Jig (D) Slip Jig and Hornpipe


Reel and Jig – 48 bars of music; Slip Jig and Hornpipe – 40 bars of music. All age groups dance two at a time. Under 8 401 Under 13 406 Under 9 402 Under 14 407 Under 10 403 Under 15 408 Under 11 404 Under 16 409 Under 12 405 16 & Over 410


3 ROUNDS. Under 9 Girls and Boys must include choice of hard shoe dance, soft shoe dance and traditional set of their choosing. All other age groups are required to perform a hard shoe dance, a soft shoe dance, and a set dance of choice. HARD SHOE WILL BE DANCED FIRST. Dance choices are: (A) Reel and Jig (B) Reel and Hornpipe (C) Slip Jig and Jig (D) Slip Jig and Hornpipe


GIRLS BOYS Under 9 501 Under 9 507 Under 11 502 Under 11 508 Under 13 503 Under 13 509 Under 15 504 Under 15 510 Under 17 505 Under 17 511 Under 19 506 Under 19 512 19 & Over 515 19 & Over 516


Open to competitors who place FIRST in competitions 501 through 512. Competitors must dance a set piece in contrasting tempo to the one performed in the qualifying competition.

ADULT SOLO: An adult beginner is a competitor who never took Irish dancing lessons as a juvenile and is over 18 years of age. Treble Jig tempo: 92; Hornpipe tempo: 138 If you choose to compete as an adult, you may not compete in any ‘& over’ categories

ADULT REEL JIG SLIP JIG HORNPIPE BEGINNER 450 451 452 453 NOVICE 454 455 456 457 ADVANCED 458 459 460 461


Special Child 470 Parent & Child (2, 3 or 4 hand 471


ENTRY FEE: $8.00

BEGINNER: Playing 2 years or less. One tune of your choice.

TIN WHISTLE FIDDLE ACCORDIAN MISC. Under 10 601 602 603 604 Under 15 605 606 607 608 15 & Over 609 610 611 612

ADVANCED: Playing more than 2 years. Two tunes of your choice

TIN WHISTLE FIDDLE ACCORDIAN MISC. Under 10 650 651 652 653 Under 15 654 655 656 657 15 & Over 658 659 660 661


Entrants will sing their choice of popular Irish song in the traditional style (no accompaniment). Come let us hear your voice.

Boys & Girls Under 14 701 Boys & Girls Under 18 702 Ladies 18 & Over 703 Gentlemen 18 & Over 704



Do not mail artwork entries. Artwork to be entered must be on display before noon on the day of the Feis. No more than two artworks per competitor. Competitor’s name and address must appear on the back of each piece. All entries must be mounted but not framed. Artwork must be collected after 5:00 PM on the day of Feis.

Under 9 Irish Scene in Watercolor or Crayon 801 9 to 11 yrs Irish Scene in Any Medium 802 12 to 14 yrs Irish Scene in Any Medium 803 15 to 18 yrs Irish Famine Scene in Oil, Acrylic or Watercolor 804 Over 18 yrs Irish Scene in Any Medium 805 Under 11 Celtic Design in Black & White 806 11 to 15 yrs Celtic Design in Color 807 Over 15 yrs Original Celtic Design in Color 808


Bread must be submitted to the Baking Competition Chairperson between 11 AM and noon on the day of the Feis. Awards will be given for the top three breads in each competition. Entries will be judged on the basis of looks, texture and taste. Entry for this event is the donation of the Irish Soda Bread, which will become property of the Feis Committee.


IRISH LANGUAGE EVENT In Memory of Joseph P. Halligan

Join us in our outdoor “chat room” at the Feis. Practice your Irish Gaelic with other participants, trying to use as much Irish as you have or can remember. This is not restricted to “speakers” only, but to interested listeners as well. Get the feel for our spoken heritage. The event will start at 2 pm and will go on through the afternoon.


For information on Pipe Band and Solo Bagpiping and Drumming competitions, visit our web site at :www.nassauaohfeis.com

2017 Entertainment: Susan and Gerard Band
August 1, 2017
Irish language, music, art and more highlighted at Feis
August 30, 2017